Tag Archives: summer 2002

The SportsAlcohol.com Podcast: Top Summer Movies of 2002

Jesse is a cofounder of SportsAlcohol.com even though he doesn't care for sports or alcohol. His favorite movie is Ron Howard's The Paper. I think. This is what happens when you don't write your own bio. I know for sure likes pie.

As the 2022 summer movie season continues its extended wind-down period, maybe you’re thinking wistfully about summer movie seasons of the past. Here at SportsAlcohol.com, we are near-constantly thinking about summer movie seasons of the past, as part of our ongoing project to discuss the biggest summer hits of the past 20-to-30 years. This year, it’s time to talk about summer movies of 2002. (And 1992’s turn will be coming up shortly.) It’s another transitional period for the American Summer Movie, as we see the beginning of Bourne, the end of Austin Powers, a new beginning for Adam Sandler, and the beginning of the end before the next beginning of Tom Cruise. And we’ve got an all-star crew of Nathaniel, Jeremy, Becca, Ben, Marisa, and Jesse here to talk about our experiences with these movies back in the day, and also today. Hear Ben and Nathaniel debate Attack of the Clones! Take a tour of Becca’s long-standing movie-star crushes! Find out which movie made Marisa burst into tears of fright and which movie Jeremy absolutely hated! It’s all here, in our summer movies of 2002 extravaganza!

If you need to catch up before checking out the latest and greatest, here’s the complete history of this project:


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