Tag Archives: fiction

16 Things You Didn’t Know About Jurassic Park

Jesse is a cofounder of SportsAlcohol.com even though he doesn't care for sports or alcohol. His favorite movie is Ron Howard's The Paper. I think. This is what happens when you don't write your own bio. I know for sure likes pie.

16 Things You Didn’t Know About Jurassic Park

  1. Jurassic Park contains only 75 digital effects shots. The rest of the effects were achieved with animatronics, miniatures, and models.

  2. All of the film’s explicit sex scenes were cut. They were later repurposed for the Sylvester Stallone movie The Specialist.

  3. Actors considered for the role of Dr. Alan Grant included Harrison Ford, Tom Selleck, Don Johnson, Tom Cruise, Patrick Swayze, John Travolta, Anthony Hopkins, Sir John Gielgud, Meg Ryan, the ghost of Lucille Ball, Ronald Reagan, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, Benji, Grape Ape, an old toaster, Theodore Rex, and Mary-Kate Olsen by herself.

  4. And also Bill Pullman.

  5. No one was considered for the role of Dr. Ian Malcolm, including Jeff Goldblum.

  6. Travis Barker, age thirteen, saw Jurassic Park twenty-seven times in the theater, setting a record that he was unable to verify but that no one could refute. In an interview with his local ABC affiliate, Travis breathlessly summarized the plot of the movie scene by scene, showing off an impeccable imitation of both the Dilophosaurus and Wayne Knight. All of this was cut from the broadcast, though footage of his wild gesticulations could be seen briefly in montage over the reporter’s misleading explanation of the film’s plot. Travis called the news to complain, both about his unused footage and the misleading plot synopsis, but they could only tell him this was ABC Carpet Cleaners, not the TV station.
    Continue reading 16 Things You Didn’t Know About Jurassic Park

Extracurricular Activities 2014

Jesse is a cofounder of SportsAlcohol.com even though he doesn't care for sports or alcohol. His favorite movie is Ron Howard's The Paper. I think. This is what happens when you don't write your own bio. I know for sure likes pie.

This week, SportsAlcohol.com hasn’t been publishing much new content because we’re all on a long-deserved vacation. Just kidding: we’re watching movies so that we can vote on the best of the year. But if you love that rich, hearty SportsAlcohol.com flavor, you may be interested to know that our various writers have also written other things. Yes, it’s true! So while you wait for us to return, feel free to peruse our other worthwhile writing projects.

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Godzilla ’98

Jesse is a cofounder of SportsAlcohol.com even though he doesn't care for sports or alcohol. His favorite movie is Ron Howard's The Paper. I think. This is what happens when you don't write your own bio. I know for sure likes pie.

My friends and I did go to see the 1998 version of Godzilla three times in the theaters. This is a story about that although not what actually happened.

We graduate high school in four and a half weeks but first: Godzilla. On the balance, we’ve spent more time planning for Godzilla. Ivan explained it best: graduation is already set. Maybe some of the dumb kids have to sweat passing classes or getting credits, but the four of us have been cruising for months, or at least since I found out I wouldn’t fail gym for cutting most of the last quarter. We aren’t planning the ceremony, we don’t have to pick out clothes, people will tell us where to line up and where to sit, parents will plan the parties and order the macaroni salad and the cake with our pictures on it. But none of those parents or teachers or guidance counselors got us set up with Godzilla. We had to figure that out ourselves.

It started last summer when we saw the trailer where Godzilla’s foot came down and crushed a dinosaur skeleton in a museum, which was a clever way of saying fuck dinosaurs and fuck the movie you’re about to see which was The Lost World, which we still argue about on roughly forty percent of car rides: Henry and I pro, Chuck and Ivan more con.

Godzilla would obviously not invite this kind of controversy.
Continue reading Godzilla ’98